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网址:www.slms1688.com  2023-09-28  作者:admin    阅读:

Sisal hemp rope is made of sisal hemp, which has a unique odor.
剑麻在美化城市上有很好的绿化效果,起到很重要的作用;它的花、叶都很独特,开出的花朵姿态非常的优美,而且时间也长,是非常好型槽模具 一次性止血带 保定水处理设备 一次性止血带 保定空压机 北京真空泵的观花及观叶的优良品种;剑麻它的根系非常的发达可以对抗重金属的污染,而且它的也能有效的对抗外来的有毒气体,剑麻经常被栽种在花坛中间、城市道路中心带、道路两旁等地方,应用非常的广泛。
Sisal hemp has a good greening effect in beautifying cities and plays a very important role; Its flowers and leaves are very unique, and the posture of the blooming flowers is very beautiful, and the time is also long. It is a very good variety for observing flowers and leaves; Sisal hemp has a well-developed root system that can resist heavy metal pollution, and it can also effectively resist foreign toxic gases. Sisal hemp is often planted in the middle of flower beds, urban road centers, and on both sides of roads, and is widely used.

